Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Keep writing

I have kept exercise books which I use as journals. This is good. Whenever you think of something you need to write it down. Always keep a pen handy. One day I got a few TEE courses and I marked when I was travelling on my way to the hospital. I am motivated to see such people as Governor General Grand Chief, Sir Paulias Matane who keeps on writing. He has written so many books. We need more Melanesian writers who can write about their experience to motivate others. There is no need to wait. We must also look for printers or people who will fund the books that we will be writing. Furthermore we need to start networking and starting writer's guilds or start small writing groups to keep everything going. We cannot wait. I was challenged by a friend who never had any experience in carpentary and building, but these person who was good at organising found some people to work with him. My freind learnt from his experience. Do not think that you are not good at writing so that you can just sit and wait. The best thing is to team up with gifted artists, proof readers and teachers who can help you out.
Make friends with people who have IT savy so that they motivate you and help you. Think of a subject or a theme and start writing now. When I was about to start my thesis I sought advice from people who were academics to get ideas from them.

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