Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Blending the old and the new

Several months ago I was doing research on the traditional meeting house (hausman) for my BTh thesis. I had to read and ask people and find books. As a result of this research I named one of my blogs –Hausman. You can read about this blog by visiting
I found many good concepts about family unity and good ways of communicating through the study of the hausman. Despite many good ways of learning and achieving unity there were some bad practices followed as well.
Through reading the Melanesian Journal of Theology, Point and Catalyst. These are good theological publications that specialize on culture and the Bible. I found some ways which caused the young people to submit, to be humble and respect the elders and the culture of that day.
A missionary did his research on education by concentrating on initiation is some parts of PNG. Some of customs followed brought pain and some were weird but there were lots of good core values like respect, submission, humility, discipline, cultural survival, education, teaching on human reproduction and other traditional wisdom which are still valid and are found in the Bible.
For example the younger generation were told to work hard, taught to protect themselves and make good gardens, help other people in the community, to be obedient and helpful to those in need. These are some of the core values that we badly need in country today.

Happy reading

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Finding time to write journals.


I have been quite busy and do not have enough time to write my journal. However sometimes I find it hard but as long as I can pray. Sometimes we survive by prayer alone knowing that God alone can help us to carry on His work. Often there are challenges when our family members ask us to help them with finance.
Sometimes we must learn to trust the One who has called us. Just by eating dry kaukau or eating starch with noodles mixed with all kinds of greens, sometimes we caan survive. That is what you do when you live among people who love to eat kaukau and other starch with only greens. Yes, you can say that beans provide the protein.
This morning we had to wake up so early in order to get out of the house by 7.15 am.
We still had the time to say our morning prayers. If it was in POM there would be a traffic jam. We briskly walk out of the house in time so we were thankful that we woke up quite early in the morning.
We wish we were back in POM. However I still remember a prophetic utterance that a Board member made. At that time I was contemplating to leave Banz just for family reasons. The board member just before praying said this, “You are in the right place at the right time”. Some years ago another board member said this in his prayer “God, this family is needed by their church and by their loved ones at home.” We said Amen and those thoughts haunted us for many years. I was so surprised when the latest prophetic word was ‘to remain at CLTC’. No wonder we had to stay on.

Happy reading.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Songs to encourage

Recently I was depressed because I was told that I would do one subject per semester. I thought of all the years that I have served God in the College where I work. Every time I wanted to do a subject I was always warned. However God is good because it is half way to a Bachelor of Theology with only 2 more courses to go. That will result in Advanced Diploma of Christian Studies.

Then not knowing a friend in Switzerland sent me this song by Don Moen and I want to share it with you. You may be oppressed,  hurting, restless and feeling helpless. Do not worry, just sing a song to cheer you up. If you do not feel like singing then read the lyrics.

Why not compose songs to help you get out of depression. Below are the words of the Song. "God will make a way".

God will make a way – Where there seems to be no way.

He works in ways – We cannot see
He will make a way for me.
He will be my guide – Hold me closely to His side,
With love and strength – For each new day
He will make a way. - He will make a way.
By a roadway - In the wilderness
He'll lead me.
Rivers in the desert will I see
Heaven and earth will fade
But His word will still remain
And He will do - Something new today.
With love and strength - For each new day
He will make a way. - He will make a way.

Monday, March 15, 2010

What a busy writer can do

For the last few weeks, I have been so busy with so many things to do. I had to correct the Tok Pisin in one of the TEE courses. I started work on it five years ago. That is not the first time I did that. In 1994 I wrote something about a book that was written about the Rev Sue Rankin, the first woman Minister in the London Missionary Society mission in Papua. I  just left the story and was busy with other things. Then one day I worked on it again and sent it to one of the daily newspapers and it was published. The weekly paper had rejected it.

I just located an e-mail in which I was kindly reminded to let some things go and focus on the important things. I agreed but sometimes it is quite hard in Melanesia. Last year I had the privillege to visit some places to visit TEE students in West and East Sepik. It was tiring but I completed all my schedules and I even visited the local FM station in a small town known as Maprik.

Since it had taken my five years to work on the TEE course now I am committing this term or quarter to complete this study. I am also thinking of writing practical ministry assignments for some of the English courses as well.

I hope that those who see this blog will be encourage. As Melanesians sometimes we are carefree but at other times deadlines are important. I learnt this in my journalism career. At the same time one must not neglect their family duties and time with God. A successful writer is the product of a disciplined, loving and carefree person.

So do not allow writing and deadlines stop you from pursuing your hobbies and other local community activities. Em tasol and happy writing.