Monday, September 21, 2009

I am now working on my thesis

Well friends,

I am now back. I have been busy writing my thesis. It will be 9,000 words and I have already written 5,000. A friend lent me his computer, so I can write any time when I feel like writing. Sometimes I write at lunch hour or at night. When I am free then I will write also.

To write, you must be motivated. You need to start collecting materials such as magazines, journals or find as many books as you can on the subject. Where there is an internet, you need to make use of it as well. Write questionaires to give to peopel who can help you.

Read lots of books on the subject you are writing, take notes and listen to conversations. Seek advice from people. Read thesis written by other people. Email your friends to help you. Also pray a lot so that the Lord will give you the inspiration to write.

There will be setbacks, opposition, lack of interest but you must prevail and persist. Know that what you are writing is for your people, your community.

I had a friend who wrote his thesis and after six months of his graduation, he passed away so suddenly. I was lucky enough that this man gave me a copy of his thesis to keep. We had discussed and sometimes I read his paper.

Although my friend is no longer around, what he has written will be a legacy to his people because it talks about spiritual growth.

That's all for now.


Timothy Kwara